2 minute read

Time flew and I’ve gained pretty good quantity & quality of Tech Knowledge, toolset was learned and mastered, even basic practices established.

But the full picture was missing, thus the question still remained.

To search for answers i’ve looked with hope for some consistent courses and found pretty peculiar and promising online course, called:

“DevOps: What, Why and How, Introduction to DevOps”

Offered by EMC Education Services, which presumably didn’t stand the stress of time and is gone by now (i still hold the cert though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

Of course, i was(and still am :wink:) limited with understanding things, probably they told more than i could comprehend but finally it came out as initial idea of what “DevOps” is and it looked something like this:

In short:

  • Starting point is “DevOps” which is a complimentary for Agile
  • Automation is a driving force of DevOps
  • When enough automated, you can figure out reusable blocks for a whole Organisation
  • You monitor the App(s)/Infrastructure(s)
  • With every change you check for impact, for good or worse
  • You start over

As you might notice, in a Сenter of the process there is a Cultural Change, i’ll talk about that later.

Anyway, back then, it felt complete. Finally, something to jump from, lean on.

Later i’ve assumed Lead Role and with confidence was actively propagandising it, presenting it company wide.

Time flew, the idea seemed to be all great and shiny, except one thing - it didn’t work.

And what i mean by that: sure, we did efficient CI/CD, Deployment, but never reached the mind-shift towards the “DevOps” as Methodology.

Iterating now, it’s clear that it was missing 2 Core Points: Proper understanding what “DevOps” is and the Culture formed around it.

